Sunday, May 31, 2009

La Iglesia de Jesucristo De Los Santos De Los Ultimos Dias

Since we decided not to travel this weekend we explored the city and hiked the volcano Pacaya. It was really neat(sorry no pics from that) Also since we stayed at the home this weekend I tracked down a church address that is literally a 10 min walk from where I am staying! I was so happy. So this morning I attended sacrament meeting and of course I didn't understand the speakers but that was ok. I really enjoyed singing the hymns in Spanish and just being there... it was a pretty big ward with about 100-150 members. Spoke with some missionaries from Canada, Oregon and Washington. It was wonderful.


Dallas said...

That is an amazing looking chapel. Is it new?

Abby said...

Gosh Luc... that's really lucky that you found a chapel so close! So fun! PS...Your title is all I can say in Spanish... but it sure is fun to say.:)

Jo Ellen/Toots said...

That's a beautiful chapel.