Friday, March 26, 2010
Ali's Home!!!!
My Bestest Friend Ali came home Tuesday from the New Jersey, Cherry Hill Mission. I got to go to lunch and and hang out with her all day! It was so much fun! It's always nice to have your best friend around again. =)

Harry Proposed!
Yes yes it finally happened... Harry popped the question last weekend on Saturday March 20th. He knew he wanted to to do it that weekend he just didn't know how, when or where... he just figured he'd play it by ear. Harry's really good at just wingin things so that's just what he did. So the story goes like this... we were headed back to Cedar city from his cousins wedding in St. George. I was driving the big King Ranch truck because of Harry's broken foot. Harry saw the exit for a scenic detour up Kolob canyon and thought this will be good. So asks if i want to go for a drive and I'm always up for a scenic drive so I said sure... so we drove all the way up looked at the pretty views and headed back down the canyon. On the way down harry said I should pull over so we can take some pics so I did. We got out of the truck I sat on the back tailgate while harry scootered around on his little scooter for his foot. He then asked me to take his pulse and boy was it HIGH! I was like yeah... your pulse is pretty high maybe it's because you were scootering around... I don't know... and Harry (while "kneeling" on the scooter) then pulled out a seashell from his pocket with a ring it and said "It's because I want to ask you to be my wife" And naturally I screamed in happiness then while flailing my hands and arms I knocked the ring and seashell right out of harry's hand (that was funny) so Harry scootered over and got the ring I said yes and he put the pretty ring on my finger! I told harry that Kolob canyon had quite the deep symbolism to it.... he thought about it for a minute and said "oh... yes... yes it does... I'm awesome." Then it even got better when I told harry that Three years ago on this day he took me out to lunch to the blue plate for helping him with math so technically that was our first date. So for not planning this and for just wingin it He did a fantastic Job. I love you Harry, I'm so excited to be your wife!

Saturday, March 13, 2010
super successful ski day
Had a fabulous day skiing with my younger brother T.J. He was so much fun to ski with and helped me with my skiing skills. I have a bad habit of using the pizza/wedge to stop and turn so he helped me wth keeping my skis together and using my edeges. I had it down by my 3rd run which made for a very fun successful ski day. Thanks Teej!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Park City Weekend
Park City was awesome this last weekend! My whole family was able to come including my Dad which is a great blessing. We had many friends come up Friday night including Harry's parents that just stopped by for a few minutes to say hello so that was fun. All day Saturday we went skiing. This was the first time Harry and I had been skiing together and I'll be honest I was a little nervous knowing I was going to be slower than Harry but Harry was very patient and it ended up being really really fun! Saturday night we went to Alice in Wonderland. I wasn't expecting much from this movie but it turned out to be a great movie and I highly recomend it. We were even sitting on the front row, it was in 3D and we all still thoroughly enjoyed it even though our necks were sore after the movie. Sunday we went to the park city visitors ward after we relaxed, ate lots of food, took a Sunday nap, then went home. Twas a lovely weekend.

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