We had a great weekend in Antigua, at lake Atitlan and at the Chichicastenango market. We start workin again tomorrow. =)

Welcome to Chichi.

A cool cemetery.

Juanita our little boat. What a fun boat ride!

Getting ready to get on our fun boat ride!

random bike with protaper stuff on it.

Lake Atitlan

Cute cat I met at breakfast

Dinner in Antigua

Group walking in streets of Antigua

Me in Antigua

Excited to be on the chicken bus

Group on the chicken bus (Called chicken bus cuz they cram as many people into them as they can... wonderful experience)

mmm lime...

another ice cream outting

View outside my window

Yummy mango and strawberry Ice cream!

Me on the main bridge we have to take to get to the grocery store, bank, pharmacy,post office and laundry.

One of our Security guards Henry... He is very nice and helps me with spanish. He washes his bike a lot. I think he likes it.