Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New monitor at work... it's kinda huge

Ok... So it looks bigger in person... but believe me... it's pretty big. I'm not really complaining because who complains about a bigger screen... its just funny cuz now everyone that walks behind my desk can totally see EVERY thing that I'm doing... I mean it's not like I ever do anything particularly interesting or anything I'm not supposed to ( besides blog on the job of course) it's just I don't like the feeling of people lookin over my shoulder every time they walk down the hall just to check out how well my game of minesweeper is going. It just feels weird but oh well... :)

1 comment:

Jo Ellen/Toots said...

Get a monitor security screen. You can claim that there's too much glare. If a person is right behind you, they'll still be able to see what's on your screen, but if they're to the side of you, it just looks black.